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"Branko Babić"
Member of the Scientific Committee, 8th International Scientific Conference ''Safety Engineering'' and 18th Conference with international participation on ''Fire and Explosion Protection'' (2022-09)
B. Savić, V. Petrović, M. Laban, E. Mračkova, D. Mnerie, G. Mnerie, M. Cvetkovska, L. Makovicka Osvaldova, M. Vandalickova, G. Broćeta, E. Nukić, J. Marković, M. Ferhatović, F. Kokalj, N. Komazec, Z. Karadžin, E. Pojani, P. Grabova, M. Knežević, J. Pejović, N. Serdar, L. Popović, S. Bajić, I. Džolev, B. Babić, S. Spaić, A. Petrović, D. Gavranski, Member of the Scientific Committee, 8th International Scientific Conference ''Safety Engineering'' and 18th Conference with international participation on ''Fire and Explosion Protection'', 8th International Scientific Conference ''Safety Engineering'' and 18th Conference with international participation on ''Fire and Explosion Protection'', The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, The Technical University of Zvolen The Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology The Department of Fire Protection, Zvolen, Republic of Slovakia, University of Novi Sad, The Faculty of Technical Sciences The Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Novi Sad, Budva, Sep, 2022 -
Member of the International Programme Committee, 18th Conference with International Participation Risk and Safety Engineering (2023-01)
B. Savić, P. Tanović, M. Laban, E. Mračkova, A. Pireš, H. Hernandez Buades, V. Mustakis, D. Mnerie, M. Aurel Titu, L. Blaga, F. Kokalj, G. Broćeta, M. Cvetkovska, Z. Karadžin, Z. Car, A. Petrović-Gegić, S. Spaić, D. Gavanski, B. Babić, B. Gemović, T. Krunić, N. Janjić, A. Bulajić, V. Petrović, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, Member of the International Programme Committee, 18th Conference with International Participation Risk and Safety Engineering, 18th Conference with International Participation Risk and Safety Engineering, The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad FIMEK, Kopaonik, Serbia, Jan, 2023 -
Управљање ризиком од катастрофа на Западном Балкану (2020)
A. Hysa, Б. Бабић, D. Koçi, D. Zeljić, E. Luçi, E. Zeka, E. Pojani, E. Hoxha, G. Sharku, Г. Јаковљевић, И. Џолев, J. Keçi, M. Kapidani, M. Ndini, М. Лабан, P. Grabova, С. Драганић, Управљање ризиком од катастрофа на Западном Балкану, Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет техничких наука, 2020